Werewolf Cinderella Read online

Page 9

  Ariel and Sebastian were married two summers later.

  Kristoff has moved south, bringing his reindeer-ride operation to our kingdom. He asks for his beloved Annette’s hand every day. One of these days, Gareth will crack and agree. She’s eighteen now, for goodness’ sake.

  Aurora is our eighth child, who has yet to cause her father to lose his mind—give her time. She’s sixteen. She’s a sweetheart but unfortunately she’s also a narcoleptic who is terrified of sharp instruments and therefore never took up needlepoint, but who happily took an interest in healing and ran out the castle’s leech-doctor—not because of his affinity for leeches, but because of his addiction to lancets.

  Lilo is our youngest by blood (fifteen) but not our youngest under this roof. You see, Gareth and I went to visit our mothers’ clan. We learned much, met many relatives, and we had a wonderful time. We also came back with some lifetime souvenirs. If we didn’t have enough cause/reason for gray hairs to sprout, we adopted three young orphan girls when we felt our nest just wasn’t full enough. Pocahontas, who came to us clutching a stuffed raccoon toy she still hasn’t let go of; Mulan (quite the tomboy); and Tiana.

  Tiana is actually the oldest of the three adoptees at eight years of age, and whom my stepmother dearly cherishes because she has a keen interest in baking, and has become my stepmother’s little shadow and apprentice.

  Let’s see, what else to catch you up on? My stepsister Drizella married Bruno (Gareth’s and my childhood playmate turned castle footman) after they met at the ball and instantly fell in love. Anastasia met her man that night too; the coachman who ferried her home.

  Quirinus, after he was allowed to cover Persephone, saw an end to his stud career, because he refused every mare but her thereafter. Gareth wasn’t put off by this any more than I was, and although their offspring are a little too light in frame for more than riding and carriage horses, we love them just the same. Quirinus’ fiery-colored firstborn son had no such qualms about covering every mare that’s brought to his pasture, so the line continues heartily.

  As does our line. Jasmine is already expecting her first child and Ariel is nearly due. Every tension and aggravation and terror Gareth and I have endured since the girls started coming of age is being smoothed away by daydreams of bouncing grandbabies on our knees. We couldn’t be more thrilled.

  And now I have wolf running partners in my daughters. The first time I ran not as a lone wolf, but as part of a pack… I was with my girls, and I couldn’t have been more proud. It was one of the happiest moments of my life. The man I’ve been in love with for forever was grinning as he and his goofy, sweet, wiry-furred wolfhounds trailed just behind us.

  When it was time for us to find our private spots to change back to humans and dress, Gareth joined me, and I threw my arms around his neck, dangling off of him as he wrapped me in a rib-crushing hug. I declared, “Did you see it?”

  He grinned up at me, because he did, because he was right there.

  I sighed happily. “Having our girls at my side as we chased rabbits and dodged otters is something I’ll forever cherish. I can’t wait for the day I get to howl with all our daughters!”

  Gareth’s smile slipped away and he nearly dropped me. He sputtered, “No, woman! NO. Do you hear yourself? You know what that’ll mean!”

  I slid off of him, and covered my mouth with both hands, trying—unsuccessfully—to stifle my laughter.

  Gareth had started groaning. “I’ve told the rest of them they’re going into the convent, and that’s that!”

  Poor Gareth.

  Fourteen years after his declaration, and not one of our girls went to the convent.

  Now we run together as a whole blissfully happy family. As pack.



  Thank you, thank you, *thank you* for clicking my book and rocketing through this story. <3 YOU ARE A WONDER-MUFFIN.

  (...What? You don’t want to be a muffin? I love cupcakes. I can be flexible. But trust me, you don’t want to be one of my cupcakes. I suck the frosting off of them and offer the cake-like part to the male who puts up with my shenanigans. (All this time together, and he still gives me the stink-eye for grazing on the frosting.))

  Anyway—;D Like other perfectly adjusted tube-fed (as in T.V.) children, I was raised by all the classic cartoons drawn by all the amazing artists who work for the big mouse. (Glen Keane is my favorite. And Chris Sanders. And Lisa Keene. And whoever made Ferngully and Pagemaster and Anastasia. Honorable mention to WB’s Looney Tunes for Bully for Bugs, Marc Antony and Pussyfoot and the Snowman episode—not only for the art, but because the words still get said around here at all sorts of moments: “I will name him George, and I will hug him, and pet him, and squeeze him…”)

  Confession: sometimes I still hear songs from the cartoon Rockadoodle. I haven’t seen that film in… yeeears. Were you a cartoon-loving-kid too? :D Yay or nay, I hope you had fun with this story ♥

  Read on for fun trivia and zaniness—or skip on to the way-end if you’re looking for the book recommendations and links to my other stories. :) The way-waay end is the Thanks page, and is in no way comprehensive, and if I missed you: TEVEK!

  My apologies in advance for the typos in the following blibbets—know that I’ll revisit this section a few hours after it goes live, and I’ll see half of them, and curse the spellcheck snafus that allowed me to go on my merry way, oblivious. And then a few days after that, kind, sharp-eyed souls will mention the other typos that I missed.

  They’re in here.

  Waiting. Like little hungry piranha.

  Watch your toes… and maybe bring a net ;D.

  But we did it! Cinderella is done! I had a wonderful time and thank you for hanging out with me to read it. SO! MANY!! HUGS!!! =D



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  The Playlist, or the Song on repeat. And repeat. And repeat...

  This song! I don’t know what it was, but I found myself humming it quite a bit as I typed, and that’s odd for me because I prefer to write to dead quiet whenever possible. (Yes. 4 a.m. is a magic time for wording. And caffeine.) I’m pretty sure it was stuck in my head only because of the Cinderella reference. It has absolutely nothing to do with this story. But it was a really nice, cute companion song. :) Chuck Wick’s Stealing Cinderella https://amzn.to/2ZIkJjG (Sorry in advance to those of you who avoid country songs, especially if your avoidance is due to a traumatic incident. K Webster, I’m looking at you—and still feeling so, so sorry, you poor girl!! XD)

  Also, Chris Young ft. Cassadee Pope: Think Of You https://amzn.to/34s4IwV

  And hey! A non-country song :D, it’s almost shocking when that happens: https://amzn.to/2ZGikpC Evanescence, Taking Over Me.

  Every song from this movie soundtrack, because Bryan Adams and Hans Zimmer, that’s why. Spirit: Stallion Of The Cimarron https://amzn.to/34v8qWw

  And every song from this movie too. (C’mon, you knew this was coming! :D) But especially Sing Sweet Nightingale. Why that one? I don’t know, it just sticks, so if you don’t want a brainworm… BEWARE. ;D Same with that A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Makes. Once you hear it, you’re done for. Soundtrack for Disney’s Cinderella https://amzn.to/2LuTnU8

  And if you like twisted takes on Disney classics, can I recommend two songs by a guy named Jon Cozart? After Ever After, a DISNEY Parody:


  And After Ever After 2:



  You’re subjected to whatever my food craving whims are during the time of the writing. So when you see Honeycrisp apples come up, that’s what I was eating/craving/putting on the grocery list. Same for when it’s chocolate, or warm chewy praline cashews—you get the idea. Lately? I think we’re finally seeing the end of it, but for months I’ve been going
nuts for English lemon curd.

  And thanks again, Dawn, for getting me hooked on St Michels French butter cookies. Turns out they go great with lemon curd. As do butter scones. And bananas. And marshmallows. (Although my opinion can’t be trusted. I polish the spoons free of lemon goodness using only my tongue, no butter cookies, mallows/bananas/scones necessary. Hi, my name is Amanda, and they say the first step to healing is to admit you have a problem: I have one. I’m doing better though. Really, I am.

  Wow. I came here to talk about food trivia and I almost sidetracked myself from sharing it. When Ella mentions the sugarloaf in the story, I don’t think I’d come across them before. (Maybe History classes touched on them… but if they did, I forgot, so this all felt new and fun to read up on.) The cones were the form you bought your sugar in before cubes and granulated options became available. Therefore, one needed sugar nips. The sugar nips were special pincers that broke off bits of sugar from the rock-hard cone for your measuring cup. We were in public when I was relaying this tidbit (we love factoids) and long, twisted story short, now R’s nickname is sugar nips. He’s thrilled. His best friend was too. Sugar Nips got passed around everywhere. (He will never live this nickname down at work. Never. XD)

  Random ‘DID YOU KNOW??’

  Did you know this?! In Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back, remember Tauntauns, the rideable snowbeasts that Han Solo… well, let’s not dwell on the fate of that Tauntaun. (Or the smell.) Before now, I didn’t know that the sounds of the Tauntauns were created from a recording of Asian sea otters. THAT’S RIGHT!!! Otters are space-beast noise-makers!!!! =D

  Q&A FUN! =D

  I’ve had some really neat questions, and it was fun to share them at the back of Beth’s Stable, so I’m sharing the new ones here! :)

  Question: When will Beth’s Stable be available in audio?

  Answer: I LOVE you for asking for it!! You know I’m crazy for audiobooks. It’s been my dream to not only publish these stories, but to have my favorite narrators read them. Thank you for making this happen ♥ At this time, the audio publisher has not optioned any other stories. Other author friends have said the publisher likes to wait to see how sales perform. I’m not sure what the sales goals are, but if Won by an Alien and Blind Fall audios do well, perhaps they will offer me a contract for Beth’s Stable as well. If not, then I’m still thrilled to have worked with Nick Cracknell, Teddy Hamilton, and Callie Dalton. They are the coolest!! =D

  Question: Why do Qolt and Ekan have different accents? (From Beth’s Stable.)

  Answer: GREAT question and so cool you asked! <3 Qolt took off from his parent crew around 13, and spent a couple of years traveling with whatever ship took him farthest away from Ekan. His accent was molded by the crews he spent time with the longest.

  Question: When the Stable finds the Hobship with Dohrein, Angie, and Arokh, and they blow up the pirate ship, what happened to Dohrein and Crispin's ship? (Events referenced from Stolen & Beth’s Stable.)

  Answer: Ha!! Neat that you’re thinking on this! Crispin & Dohrein's ship is one day's worth of flight from their home planet when Crispin manages to send off that wide request for emergency help. Patrol is dispatched, but of course, help arrives too late. :( You saw in Stolen what happens to Crispin and Dohrein, and in Crispin’s story, *so far*—(anything can change, so no guarantees this stays)—there’s a mention of their empty ship getting collected and returned.

  Question: Will Nick Cracknell narrate more of your books?

  Answer: I really, really need to send Nick the latest round of screenshots requesting his voice talents, because you guys probably make his day by asking. =D <3 At this time, there are no concrete plans to produce more audiobooks. However, I would dearly adore having the series in audio, so it’s not a lack of love driving us away from making this happen, believe me. And if more audios happen, Nick will always be at the top of the narrator list. He’s fabulous and I’m so happy you enjoy his sexy, talented voice!

  Question: Can you I.D. the guys on the cover of Beth’s Stable so we know who-is-who?

  Answer: COOL QUESTION!! ♥ =D You bet!!

  L to R:

  Qolt, Ekan, Oquilion, Tiernan, Prow.

  Qolt because the model looked nice and moody-hot.

  Ekan next (and it was almost Prow because of the mussed hair but that model had the perfect Ekan-smile).

  Oquilion is the third from the left, all quiet and unassuming.

  Tiernan is next, with heavy-lidded eyes and his ginormous frame.

  Prow is on the far right, the nicest dark blond with decent sideburns I could find (and yes I wish he were smiling too—I'd have loved to really capture Prow's carefree, trickster-nature!).


  You know when you get into a story, and you’re really enjoying it, but it ends (the horror!), and then you’re faced with the daunting task of finding another book of equal or higher quality to assuage your literary-hunger needs?

  You are suffering from what’s known as a book hangover.

  And like some hair-of-the-dog is said to help a pounding head, a new good book can cure your book hangover woes. So here are some Cures for Book Hangovers! =D

  I read and enjoyed K Webster’s Mermaid story, Mad Sea. My inner-Disney kid who grew up to have a dirty mind was thrilled at her oblique references to beloved cartoon characters. https://amzn.to/2ZHIacG

  For the same reason, I enjoyed Jill Myles’ The Mermaid's Knight https://amzn.to/311fxnn which was based on The Little Mermaid. But it’s been a few years since I’ve opened it, so details are real fuzzy. I’ve got to hit it again, because I remember my time with it fondly, yet the reviews on this one are only four stars. I can’t think of why, and the mystery is going to drive me nuts. So that’s on my revisit-list!

  Speaking of revisits, here’s a blast from the past. I was in Junior high, laid up with a broken ankle, when I cracked open the heavenly-smelling bookpages of A Knight in Shining Armor. https://amzn.to/34oo9H3 This is a Jude Deveraux classic. (i.e. it’s off the heels of the 80’s-type Bodice Ripper, and if you’ve never delved into those, buckle up. They’re different than the current novels we know and love. It’s kinda neat to see how the market has changed.) I bawled my eyes out by the end, less because of my shattered bones and mostly because my pre-teenie-bopper heart was in all sorts of mad love for my new favorite bookhero, Nicholas. (Shout out to Dr. Derby, who cleaned up all those broken ankle bone pieces like a boss. Shout out to Jude Deveraux because she wrecked me for life. Surely this story is the root of my attraction to arrogant, bossy men.) WARNING!! I didn’t make it through the audio version of this one, but I did make the mistake (the HORRIBLE, WRETCHED *MISTAKE* of grabbing the audio to Sweet Liar. I love that story. (ebook here: https://amzn.to/34wjylV ) I really enjoyed the narrator. What I didn’t enjoy was that this is an *abridged version*—GASP! GASSSP! there was no warning that it was abridged! They took out all the interesting parts—and I don’t just mean the sex! (But I also mean the sex.) Seriously—who made this decision? They should be walked out to the woodshed and spanked with something really thick, heavy, and unabridged.

  (Wowww, audio-rant over, sorry! Got carried away there. ;D HERE ENDETH THE LESSON: DON’T MESS WITH THE ROMANCE BOOKS.)

  Okay. Backing off of the crazy, let me bring you a non-romance book. And no, I’m not pranking you! This was a surprise fun one for me, and you might like it too. Nonfiction, I know, but it’s worth it if you’re shopping for the man in your life. How to Live with a Huge Penis: Advice, Meditations, and Wisdom for Men Who Have Too Much by Richard Jacob and Owen Thomas. https://amzn.to/2zWYOpx

  Back to the romance! LJ Shen’s The Kiss Thief thanks to Ruby Dixon’s recommendation. https://amzn.to/310Y26J

  And speaking of Ruby Dixon, this one is up for pre-order, and I’m going to kick back with it when it hits the Kindle: When She's Ready https://amzn.to/2POPu1N

  Books & Audiobooks by Amanda…

  Want to check out what else I’ve written?
YOU’RE SO SUPER ♥. *Heart Eyes*

  Arokh and Angie’s story ebook: https://amzn.to/2A6sH9T

  This book is also available in Audio, narrated by the talented Nick Cracknell: https://adbl.co/2N7WXHF

  Zadeon and Callie’s story ebook: http://amzn.to/2EZEitg

  Audiobook voiced by Nick Cracknell: https://adbl.co/2Nx8WxR

  (WARNING: This one has some Dark times. This couple’s love is beautiful though, and they get their Happily Ever After.)

  Brax, Tara, and Tac’Mot’s story is here: http://amzn.to/2FeuFGl

  Audiobook narrated by Teddy Hamilton and Callie Dalton: https://amzn.to/2zUkHWu

  (If you had to classify this one, it’s almost Reverse Harem. This is an MFM book, which means there are two (alien) guys and one woman but it’s not *quite* menage, because Brax is a Rakhii, and you know this means he doesn’t share his female. Slight problem: his female is bonded to Tac’Mot.)

  Dohrein and Gracie’s story: https://amzn.to/2Qn4lwo

  Audiobook voiced by Nick Cracknell: https://adbl.co/2s6gN96

  Blind Fall, the standalone story that answers the question you’ve all been asking me: “Is the guide dog okay?”

  Spoiler: She’s MORE than okay. ♥ This is Breslin and Sanna’s story. If you read this one, I hope you have fun.


  Audiobook narrated by Teddy Hamilton and Callie Dalton: https://amzn.to/2WImX17

  Beth’s Stable, a reverse harem romance for movie-lovers. Just trust me. ;)
